assistance auxiliary troops help reserve troops support Synonyms for subsidium adiutorium – aid, assistance, help adminiculum – aid, assistance adservio – assist, help, to aid alo – cherish, keep, maintain, nourish, support, sustain auxilium – aid, assistance, help, support facio – be of service, help, suffer, suit, to experience, to give permission, to sacrifice firmamentum – prop, strengthening, support, the main point fotum – caress, encourage, keep warm, support, to cherish, to foster, to warm foveo – caress, encourage, enfold, keep warm, support, to cherish, to foster, to warm fovi – caress, encourage, keep warm, support, to cherish, to foster, to warm ops – assistance, fortune, power to aid, power to help, singular: power, treasure, wealth patrocinor – defend, patronize, support, to protect praesidium – aid, assistance, detachment, garrison, garrison troops, guard, protection, safeguard proficio – accomplish, aid, assist, be of use, be tageous, ce, help, to go on, to make progress solacium – help, military aid, support solor – solace, support subvenio – assist, help, relieve, succor, to come to to ones assistance, to come to the aid, to come up to aid succurro – aid, assist, help, to assist, to run up under suffragium – aid, approval support, assistance, church province, franchise, incitement, intercession by saint with god, maintenance, resource, succor, support aid, vote suscipio – accept, begin, maintain, raise, receive, support, take up, to raise up, undertake Similar to subsidium praesidium – aid, assistance, detachment, garrison, garrison troops, guard, protection, safeguard subsidarius – in reserve subsido – lie in ambush, settle, sink, stay remain, subside, to crouch down subsilio – spring up, toleap up odium – abhorrence, hatred prandium – dinner, lunch taedium – boredom, disgust, weariness