assistance fortune power to aid power to help singular: power treasure wealth Synonyms for ops adiutorium – aid, assistance, help adminiculum – aid, assistance auxilium – aid, assistance, help, support casus – a falling, accident, chance, downfall, event, fortune, occasion, opportunity, violent death census – annual render, census, gifts, property, tax, wealth dapes – fortune, wealth divitiae – riches, wealth divitie – riches, wealth facultas – ability, abundance, capacity, feasibility, means, opportunity, power, resources, stock, store, wealth fors – chance, fortune, luck fortis – brave, chance, courageous, fortune, luck, powerful, robust, steadfast, strong, valiant fortuna – chance, condition, fate, fortune, luck gaza – treasure opulentia – might, opulence, power, riches, splendor, wealth praesidium – aid, assistance, detachment, garrison, garrison troops, guard, protection, safeguard sors – allotment, fortune, lot, share subsidium – assistance, auxiliary troops, help, reserve troops, support suffragium – aid, approval support, assistance, church province, franchise, incitement, intercession by saint with god, maintenance, resource, succor, support aid, vote thesaurus – horde, store, treasure, treasury