
  • compleobring up to strength, complete, fulfil, man, to fill up, to finish
  • consummocomplete, make perfect, sum up, to add together
  • exigocomplete, decide, demand, determine, drive out, exact, finish, force out, sell, settle, to exact
  • expleocomplete, discharge, fill up, finish, fulfil, to fill, to fulfill, to make losses good
  • expletumcomplete, fill up, finish, to fill
  • explevicomplete, fill up, finish, to fill
  • integerchaste, complete, entire, irreproachable, undamaged, unhurt, untouched, whole
  • peractoaccomplish, complete, to carry through
  • perfectuscomplete, done, finished, perfect, without flaw
  • perficioaccomplish, achieve, bring, complete, effect, perfect, to accomplish, to do thoroughly
  • plenuscomplete, filled, full, laden, mature, plump, rich, satisfied
  • totusall, complete, entire, whole
  • universacomplete, entire
  • integer vitae scelerisque purusunimpaired by life and clean of wickedness